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4 Exciting Announcements!

1: I was honored to have another of my poems published in the Patrick Henry College Literary Journal, 'Westmarch!' The poem is called 'Nineveh.' I'll post it here soon, and I'll also post it somewhere else, because

2: I have started an Instagram account to accompany this blog! Find me @claraharneywrites. I'm sharing poetry, challenges, writing thoughts, and more! I have joined the social media world of writers, and it's all rather confusing and new. I don't want constant pressure on myself to produce content and grow my group of followers, but I do want to work hard to share my work and hopefully have a community of interested readers by the time I finish my

3: Novel in progress! It's a secret project for now, but I'll reveal the genre and maybe some tidbits over the next few months. I'm very, very excited about this. I'm hoping to finish the rough draft by July, but for now,

4: It's National Poetry Writing Month again!! Yes! I'm doing NaPoWriMo again this year, which means every day this month I'll be writing at least one poem. I'm a college student approaching finals, and I have no idea if this'll work, and I rather wish this was an April Fool's joke for the sake of my sanity, but I also am determined to do it and excited about the prospect. I'm going to be writing on the daily, but I may not post on the daily, for two reasons. First, on some days I may have written a personal poem or one I hope to publish in a collection, so it'll remain unpublished until then. Second, I may not have the time, but I'll catch you up the next time I post!

Alright everyone, thanks for supporting me in my writing efforts and reading my ramblings!

Have an amazing month of April!

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