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Poetry Month #8: Sant'Andrea Della Valle

Sadly, my trip to Italy this Summer was pushed to next year due to COVID-19, but I have the memories from last year’s short trip to enjoy until then.


Sant’Adrea della Valle Day #8

She still protests the possibility

Of instantaneous love from only sight

Alas, we all are hypocrites at heart

For she was swept from footing without fight

From broiling cobblestones of busy Rome

The wooden narthex was a sweet respite

She curious waited just behind the guide

Who must go through an historical rite

But when the heavy door was barely cracked

Attribute to exhaustion if you will

Her spirit falling to its knees in awe

But who conceived that sunlight so could spill

In liquid down the column in her view

And then the door was open to fulfill

Or nay, confirm, the love already formed

Enchanted by a solemn golden thrill

Upswept, her eyes drank in far more than light

The frescoes begging long and tender gaze

And pillars of the palest minted green

Bathed in a reverent glow of sunny haze

Protecting small recesses to each side

Mysterious beckoning, less washed in rays

And over all a silence gently drapes:

A chastity as covering overlays.

What words can she describe her wonder with

The atmosphere so memorable a caress

And not a photograph she’s witnessed since

Can capture its vast weight and tenderness

Was it pure fate her favorite was the first

Of each competing church she would assess

Or does a first impression blindly cast

A captivation she could not suppress

And though the time has passed as time will do

She dreams of her green-golden church by day

Her goal and hope on this earth to return

To wander in the stillness as she may

And bask in that embrace of gold once more

Pre-echoing a place of no decay

Attraction of a moment and a glimpse

Impossible to ever cast away

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